This is one of the few items where the old and new variants are nearly identical.It was thought to be heart bonus 8, but then it turned out to be 10.This outfit was leaked on a Prodigy advertisement.Prodigy hacks get gems how to How to hack Prodigy Without Downloads (2020 Working) - YouTube the Phrygian mode to write a killer bass synth melody in their This comment has been minimized. Protected with Anti Ban Security and User-friendly Layout. This is the only Legendary outfit with a health bonus of 50 along with the Trialmaster's Garb and the Cake Attire. All of our hacks are open source, and free.
' Legend has it that gems used to create this armor fell from space but no one knows for sure.'Īchieve Gold 2 in the Arc of Light season of the Arena (Harmony Island) and then collect it from your mail. There are red crystals on the shoulder pads, a blue crystal jointing the gold parts covering the chest and belly, and green crystals on the center of the gauntlets, near what would be the back of your hand. The gold covers the shoulders, upper chest, belly, parts of the tasset, and gauntlets. It is a pair of golden armor with what seems to be white leather or fabric.